Roxane Gay has written with intimacy and sensitivity about food and body, using her own emotional and psychological struggles as a means of exploring our shared anxieties over pleasure, consumption, appearance, and health. As a woman who…
Fat is Not a Four-Letter Word
5 users like thisDid you know that the history of the BMI (body mass index) has its roots in the 1830s, and was developed by a mathematician? Did you know that BMI really has no relation to the health of a person, but we live in a society that glorifies thinness, and creates body image issues for all ages and genders? This list provides a good starting point for learning more about the experiences of fat people and societal fatphobia.
19 items
a Memoir of (my) Body
"You Just Need to Lose Weight"
and 19 Other Myths About Fat People
More, Please
on Food, Fat, Bingeing, Longing, and the Lust for "enough"
T-shirt Swim Club
Stories From Being Fat in a World of Thin People
Bad Fat Black Girl
Notes From a Trap Feminist
The Not So Subtle Art of Being a Fat Girl
Loving the Skin You're in
Fatty Fatty Boom Boom
a Memoir of Food, Fat, and Family
Every Body Shines
Sixteen Stories About Living Fabulously Fat
How to Face Fatphobia
Musings of a Fat, Black Muslim
Fat and Queer
An Anthology of Queer and Trans Bodies and Lives
The (other) F Word
a Celebration of the Fat & Fierce
Fat Off, Fat on
a Big Bitch Manifesto
Things No One Will Tell Fat Girls
a Handbook of Unapologetic Living
You've viewed 19 of 19 items